KelpDAO: Innovative Liquid Restaking for Ethereum

KelpDAO is an innovative liquid restaking service designed for Ethereum. If you're familiar with other liquid staking platforms like Lido, Staker, and StaFi, you'll find KelpDAO's approach intriguing. This platform leverages existing liquid staking tokens and integrates them into a promising new layer called AEN Layer, potentially offering significant airdrop rewards in the future. Let's dive into how KelpDAO works and how you can maximize your Ethereum yields through this platform.

What is KelpDAO?

KelpDAO is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that enhances Ethereum staking by utilizing existing liquid staking tokens from platforms like Lido and StaFi. It allows users to earn yields from these tokens while participating in the upcoming AEN Layer airdrop. By restaking your Ethereum through KelpDAO, you earn Kelp Miles and AEN Layer points, which could translate into substantial rewards.

Key Features of KelpDAO

1. Liquid Restaking

KelpDAO allows you to restake your liquid Ethereum staking tokens (such as stETH from Lido or stFX from StaFi) on their platform. This process yields additional rewards and simplifies the management of multiple staking rewards.

2. Airdrop Opportunities

Users who restake their tokens on KelpDAO accumulate Kelp Miles and AEN Layer points. These points will likely contribute to significant airdrops when KelpDAO and AEN Layer launch their tokens.

3. Secure and Audited

The platform has undergone multiple audits, ensuring that the smart contracts and overall system are secure. This provides users with confidence in the platform's integrity.

4. Wide Validator Support

KelpDAO supports a variety of validators, giving users flexibility in choosing where to delegate their staked assets.

How to Use KelpDAO

1. Connect Your Wallet

To start using KelpDAO, you need a compatible wallet like MetaMask. Connect your wallet to the KelpDAO platform to begin the staking process.

2. Deposit Liquid Staking Tokens

On the KelpDAO dashboard, you can deposit liquid staking tokens like stETH or stFX. Please enter the amount you want to stake, approve the transaction, and confirm it in your wallet.

3. Earn Kelp Miles and AEN Layer Points

Once you deposit your tokens, you earn Kelp Miles and AEN Layer points. These points will be essential for future airdrops and additional rewards.

4. Monitor and Manage Your Stakes

Use the KelpDAO dashboard to track your accumulated rewards and manage your stakes. Unstaking and withdrawal options are not yet available, but they are expected to be implemented soon.

Benefits of Using KelpDAO

1. No Lock-Up Period

One of the main advantages of liquid restaking is the absence of a lock-up period. Compared to traditional staking methods, you can manage and move your assets more freely.

2. Multiple Reward Streams

Using KelpDAO, you benefit from multiple reward streams: the original staking rewards from platforms like Lido and StaFi and additional rewards from KelpDAO and AEN Layer.

3. Early Participation Benefits

Early adopters of KelpDAO can benefit from higher multipliers and greater rewards. The sooner you participate, the more rewards you can accumulate before the official token launches.


KelpDAO offers a unique and promising approach to Ethereum staking by leveraging liquid staking tokens and integrating them into a new layer with potential airdrop rewards. Whether you are an experienced staker or new to DeFi, KelpDAO provides a compelling opportunity to maximize your yields and participate in exciting future developments.

To start using KelpDAO, set up your wallet, deposit your liquid staking tokens, and earn Kelp Miles and AEN Layer points. Follow KelpDAO's official channels and participate in the governance processes to stay updated with the latest features and developments.

Liquid restaking with rsETH



Why liquid restaking?


No lock-up for restaked tokens


Easily manage multiple restaking rewards


Whitelisted services and validators


Introducing rsETH

One token for all

One token for all

rsETH is a single liquid restaked token for all accepted ETH LSTs

Designed for liquidity

Designed for liquidity

Access restaking rewards along with instant liquidity and DeFi composability

Supported tokens


Kelp supports ETH, stETH, sfrxETH and ETHx. Kelp DAO may choose to introduce other collateral in the future.


Secured by top auditors

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